It was my duty to retrieve the groom, Ben, & direct him to the location where he would see his bride before the wedding, a beautiful gazeebo. There was a lot of silence... 1) because I didnt know what to say to him, considering I met him for the first time 10 minutes before & 2) I'm sure all he wanted was to see Allie. He waits patiently with his back turned as his beautiful bride walks down the sidewalk. I look at Ben & he has the biggest smile on his face; I look at Allie & she also has a huge smile plastered across her face. They really love eachother & I think you can see their love in these photographs.
This was my very first wedding to photograph & I was more nervous that my dachsund during a thunderstorm. Wedding photos are nothing like normal portraits. These moments can never be recreated ever again & the photographer must capture them the first time around. At the beginning of the shoot, my nerves got the best of me. But as the day progressed I got more & more comfortable with myself as an artist, as well as with the bride & groom.
Ben & Allie, I hope your lives are continually filled with joy knowing you have your best friend beside you for life. I had a blast getting to know you on your wedding day & hope to see you both in the future. Congratulations on your marriage!
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